Not-Your-Everyday Egg in a Basket Recipe

This breakfast recipe is a fun twist on your typical Egg in a Basket recipe.  I call it Good Morning Sunshine! in an obnoxiously loud morning person voice.  (My kids love that about me.)  My daughters (who recently finished studying ancient Greek history) call them Cyclops Eyeballs.

Egg in a Basket RecipeTo make this Egg in a Basket recipe, you will need your favorite biscuit recipe and one egg for each person.  You will also need either a ramekin or similar oven-safe container.  We use Texas (also known as jumbo) muffin tins.

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Egg in a Basket Recipe

  1. Divide the biscuit dough into the number of baskets you need for your family.
  2. Place a piece of biscuit dough in each container.
  3. Make an indentation for the egg, making sure the bottom and sides of the container are covered with dough.
  4. Crack the egg and drop it lightly into each indentation.
  5. Bake at 375 for about 15 or 20 minutes or until the egg is done to your liking.  (If using ramekins, you may wish to put them on a baking sheet in case of spills.)

Wow, was that ever simple!

You may decorate your egg in a basket after it is cooked if you wish.  My daughter used ketchup to draw sun rays (or Cyclops’ bloodshot veins) coming from each egg.  Put the ketchup in a baggie, cut the corner off, and squeeze.  This would also work with jam or sliced red peppers or tomatoes.  Serve with butter, honey, jam, a smile, and a delightfully cheerful “Good morning, Sunshine!”

Very cute!  And this egg in a basket recipe is a nice change from “just eggs…again.”

If you’re not into baking yet, you may use prepared biscuit dough from the store.  Biscuits, however, are quite simple to manage, and are a great way to segue into making your own baked goods.

We switch off between two simple biscuit recipes, both found at The Simple Homemaker site, of course!  The first we titled Sleeping Baby Biscuits, because they take a little longer to make than our other version, so you need to work on them when the baby is asleep.  The quick version is known as Screaming Baby Biscuits.  Get those recipes here.

Enjoy this fun Egg in a Basket recipe!  Do you have a fun breakfast recipe to share?

My daughter was inspired to make this recipe by a picture she saw in a Pillsbury grocery aisle magazine display.

This post is linked up to Five Flu-Fighting Foods and Teach Me Tuesday.