The Serve One Another in Love Cafe

When my children are at each other, I sometimes require them to do something nice for one other: make a bed, fold laundry, share something, do each other’s chores, scratch each other’s backs…gently.

My seeester-in-law-and-in-love, Karen Baye, has taken this to a whole new level. When her four blessings were not treating each other like blessings, she invited them all to lunch at the Serve One Another in Love Café.

The Serve One Another in Love Cafe |

When they arrived at the café (also known as the kitchen), there was no lunch prepared. Instead they were greeted by a patient mama with these instructions:

Welcome to the Serve One Another in Love Café!

  • Each child must prepare lunch for the child immediately younger than him or her…and the youngest child must feed the dog. (Mama will feed the oldest.)
  • Each chef must prepare something their café patron would truly enjoy. In other words, no anchovies for a fish-hater and no salad for a dedicated carnivore.

The result? A happy family of well-fed children enjoying their time serving one another in love. Sure, one of them had a marshmallow sandwich for lunch, but it was served with a side of love and a big ol’ helping of brotherly affection.

Well played, Sis! Well played, indeed.

How do you encourage your children to serve one another in love?

Photo Credit: Karen and Scott Baye


8 thoughts on “The Serve One Another in Love Cafe”

  1. This is a great idea. I’ve been praying a lot about having more children. My husband and I let God decide how many children we have, but surprisingly so far we have one. Most likely due to breastfeeding. Whenever I see posts like these I long for more, but I love the son that God has given me and love him unconditionally—even if he is my only. It’s hard to give up and put it into God’s hands… you know? We, as people, like to have some control. Sorry for the rambling, just loving your family life and trying to be content with mine =)

    I have a blog link-up on Fridays, called Free to Talk Friday, I hope you’ll come and join. It’s open now at

    1. Thank you for the link-up invitation, Hannah.

      Yes, this is an excellent idea. My sister is a smart one. 🙂

      My prayer is that God’s will be done, and that I see that it is His will and am content with whatever He has chosen. It is not always easy, however. God bless your family!

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