Love in Action All Wrapped Up

Love one another and you will be happy.
It’s as simple and as difficult as that.

~Michael Leunig

Love in Action

Showing love goes far beyond saying “I love you.”  Actions speak much, much, much louder than words.

You can show deep love through simple actions—lending a hand, lending an ear, sharing a smile, sharing a sorrow, sharing time, washing feet…

To your husband

  • Don’t criticize—replace criticism with gratitude. Let him know he is your hero and that you appreciate him.
  • Smile—you share a connection nobody else has; connect with a smile that makes him go weak in the knees, that whispers love.
  • Dress it up—dress for your husband just as you did in the early days of your marriage.
  • Thoughtful service—perform small acts of service to show your husband you are thinking of him and value him.
  • Feed your man—the way to a man’s heart is still through his stomach, but don’t neglect his stomach once you have his heart.
  • The power of touch—claim him with a kiss, yes, right there in front of the kids. They’ll groan, but inwardly they’ll feel secure knowing their parents love each other.
  • Listen—give your husband your undivided attention, eyes, ears, mind. Share his interests and his life.

To your children

  • Smile even more—let them see their value reflected in your face every time they walk into a room.
  • Hugs and kisses—hug your children, especially when they don’t deserve affection, because that is when they need it most.
  • Play and laugh—get on your child’s level and play and laugh; laugh while you play, laugh while you work, just laugh.
  • Read aloud—hold hands and jump into the pages of a book for shared adventures and memories, teaching moments and snuggle time.
  • Teach your children—give your children the gift of your time and experience; teach them to keep a home, work hard, think, defend their faith, say they’re sorry, forgive, be a friend, and love.
  • Cut the criticism—encourage, praise, build up, correct, guide, cherish, and respect. When it is time for criticism, serve with a heaping helping of love.
  • Listen and look—listen with your eyes, mind, body, and heart without trying to fix or teach or correct. Just listen.

Love is, above all, the gift of oneself.

~Jean Anouilh