Simple Tools for a Simple Home – The Garlic Press

My husband gave me this website as a Christmas gift nearly two and a half years ago. He has been nagging encouraging me ever since to share with all of you the simple tools I use to help me efficiently manage my homeschooled family of nine and run my simple home, in particular my simple kitchen.

Simple Tools for a Simple Home - The Garlic Press

It took an invitation from Erin of The Humbled Homemaker to get me started on my husband’s two-year-old request. (Sorry, Babe.) With Erin’s little kick in the pants and an eye-roll from my hubby (I didn’t see it, but I totally felt it), I’m finally following his advice. Each month I will introduce you to one of the tools I use to keep it simple, improve efficiency, keep the family fed primarily from scratch (no boxes in The Simple Kitchen), and still preserve the almost non-existent counter space we have in our dinky cozy travel trailer.

Are these tools necessities? Well, essentially all I need in life is food, water, and my Savior (although you would probably all prefer I keep a layer or two of clothing between the skin God gave me and the outside world), so no. But these are tools I rely on heavily to get the job done right. They made the cut during The Great Purge when we packed up our house for good and took the Christian music mission on the road full time. (But that’s a story for another blog.)

At The Humbled Homemaker I introduce you to one of those quasi-essential tools, my beloved garlic press.

Simple Tools for a Simple Home - The Garlic Press

My garlic press has made cameo appearances here at The Simple Homemaker, such as in my amazing (but humble) garlic butter recipe and my homemade Italian salad dressing recipe. I use it for eggs, soups, crockpot dishes, wet rubs…you name it! When I’m lazy I press instead of slice garlic for recipes like chicken adobo. We buy masses of fresh garlic and use it in as many dishes as possible during cold and flu season, ‘cuz who wants a trailer full of pukers with no access to a washing machine. Not me, I tell ya! Not me. Shudder.

Simple Tools for a Simple Home - The Garlic Press

Learn all about my garlic press and read questions from real readers (and real answers from real me) to decide whether or not a real garlic press would benefit the real you. It’s all part of The Humbled Homemaker’s terrific weekly series featuring an array of guest writers chatting up their favorite kitchen tools.

Simple Tools for a Simple Home - The Garlic Press

Don’t miss an episode! Sign up for The Humbled Homemaker’s email updates for her weekly tool of the trade, and sign up for my updates to learn which lucky tools travel the country with us. Then take a nap, cuz that’s typing your name and email address, like, twice. Whew!

Find out if you would benefit from a garlic press. Click here. Come on, everybody’s doing it.