Simple Ways to Decorate With Scripture

You’ve heard the expression “Out of sight, out of mind.”  It only follows, then that whatever is in sight is on the mind.

For that reason, we try to keep what is important and what we want our children (and us) to remember in view.  In our case, that is Scripture, although we have also used some of these approaches to help the children memorize poems, songs, math facts, and, most recently, their new little sister’s name.

Following are some of the ways we “write Scripture on the doorframes of our houses and on our gates.”  From the elaborate to the simple, all keep what is important to us at the forefront of our minds.

Simple Ways to Use Scripture in the Home

The most obvious approach to decorating with Bible verses is using purchased items or gifts, ready to hang or display.  Here are two of my favorites:

100_3918This plaque I purchased as a reminder to, well, be still, particularly when suffering from worry.  It sits on the family desk right next to the computer.  ‘Fess up—you know you need to be reminded to “Be still” when the computer acts up!

The set of prints below is from my grandparents and hangs in our bathroom—good reading material for family and guests. (Yup, we put the TP roll on over, not under. It’s the only way to go.)











Homemade gifts are always a joy and more affordable than store-bought. This was a Mother’s Day gift from my husband which probably totaled around $10. (Yes, two children are missing.  Don’t tell them.  They haven’t noticed yet.)



Other homemade Scripture displays include this “Our Father” by a child who had just learned cursive, and these two pictures we printed off the Internet and framed back when our walls were bare.



Graffiti, while illegal in some places, is not altogether undesirable in this instance.  One of my daughters carved a powerful verse in the side of her nightstand, and another wrote meaningful verses and affirmations on the bunk bed slats above her bed.



Dry erase markers for the refrigerator and bathtub crayons for the children’s bathroom allow for verse changes (and similar messages) as life directs.  (And, yes, we’re working on that I before E issue.  That child’s skills lie in areas other than spelling.)


We have at least eight calendars on display.  They are an affordable way to put Scripture on the walls and counters.  Whether daily or monthly calendars, the verses are read on a regular basis and are visible in many different rooms in the house (which also helps this space cadet remember which day of the week it is).


Open almost any cupboard or peek at the walls by beds and desks, and you’ll find little reminders of our faith and focus.  Here are three, an interior kitchen cupboard, the wall above my son’s bed, and our cookbook cupboard.  It ain’t pretty, but it’s always a good reminder.


Labeling the children’s toy buckets with contents and a Scripture verse not only helps them stay more organized, but makes memorization effortless.  I like organized.  I like effortless.





Sometimes, less is more.


There are moments in life, such as during minor household catastrophes like shattering a glass cooktop, when a simple reminder of the providence of God is appropriate…even written in marker on duct tape.  (Yes, that’s a shattered glass cooktop under all that tape.  Now there’s a story of God’s providence for you!)


Last, because it deserves a really long drum roll…

If you are blessed to have someone in your life as insanely talented as my mother, perhaps you also have a handcrafted work of art* like this hanging in your home.  This is the view from my bed.  The verse with dove, hand painted and accented in gold leaf by my mother, has been a buoy during times when I have battled anxiety.  It is the perfect last image before closing my eyes at night and a wonderful first reminder to start my day.  Thanks, Mom! Love you!


For some great products to help keep Scripture in front of your family’s and guests’ eyes at mealtime, swing over to Scripture Plates.

For a variety of decor and gifts for your home that highlight Scripture, check out Dayspring.

How do you use Scripture in your home?

Linking to Doorposts, where you can find many other ideas for decorating with Scripture.

*original painting copyrighted and image may not be used without permission