Give Your Children a Sense of the Resurrection

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It’s Ash Wednesday, the beginning of the Lenten season and a time when Christians focus on what Christ did for them both through his life and more specifically through his death. Then it all culminates in the glorious resurrection of Easter morning. I’m giddy about Easter.

Over the years I’ve used several approaches to bring the magnitude of this home to my children and to awaken in their small hearts an awareness of and appreciation for Christ’s sacrifice. No, I’ve never used the give-up-chocolate-for-Lent approach. I want them to look forward to this time of the church year, not dread it. I want them to enthusiastically celebrate their Savior.

Today Amanda White launched her new hands-on ebook that will do just that, help children enthusiastically celebrate their Savior.

Give your Children a Sense of the Resurrection: a brilliant new Easter experience from Amanda White, creator of Truth in the Tinsel.

Why does the name Amanda White sound familiar? She is the author of Truth in the Tinsel, the hands-on Advent program I love. Oh yes, her!

Amanda’s new Easter book is called Sense of the Resurrection: An Easter Experience for Families. It brings to life the elements of holy week using the child’s senses and hands-on family activities. It’s brilliant!

Straight from Amanda’s mouth…or keyboard:

This ebook is not a dissertation, exegesis or commentary on the biblical account of Jesus’ death and resurrection. It’s an experience for parents to lead their kids through the story. We will not be learning every single detail of the story. There is so much historical and traditional background that our 21st-century brains can hardly understand it anyway. What we will be discovering is who Jesus is and why He came.  

I have yet to share Sense of the Resurrection with my children, since it just launched today, but I have read it and I am excited to spend twelve focused days working through the projects with my clan, including my older children who can explore some of the ideas for digging deeper. Of course, I’ll tweak it a wee bit, because I’m an obsessive tweaker. Tweak tweak.

Those of you who know me know that I have difficulty finishing what I start. Life gets in the way, and I always bow to life. One thing I love about Sense of the Resurrection is that I have 50 days between Ash Wednesday and Easter morning to accomplish 12 days of activities. That leaves room for our traditional Easter and Lent activities, oh, and life.

Celebrate your Savior with us this year. Click through this link to see what Amanda says about Sense of the Resurrection.

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