Are you Itching to Write an Ebook?

Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links. That means if you buy this product through my links, I receive a portion of the proceeds at no cost to you. I bought this product myself, and I like it, which is why I’m sharing it with you. I like sharing with you…but don’t ask me for my cookies.

If you want to skip my review of From Idea to Ebook and jump right to the product page, make sure you go armed with my coupon code SIMPLE5 for $5 off, making this ten-week course and lifetime access only $12.

Jump to the product page. Jump!

I’m focusing on ebooks next week, including some super deals (like a mega-bundle of $800 worth of ebooks and bonuses for under $30), organizational tips, and gifting strategies. But those posts are for people who want to read ebooks. This one is for people who want to write ebooks…people like me…and maybe you…but definitely me. Here’s why.

My story:

Six years ago I wrote an ebook, and it sat and it sat and it sat on my computer, never going anywhere. Pbbbth. I had no idea what to do with it after writing it, so the poor ol’ thing just sat. Meanwhile, ebook ideas flitted in and out of my head like caffeinated fruit flies, but I couldn’t catch any of them. I sure could have used this:

An Online Course to Help Make Your Ebook a Profitable Reality

I can write, but I need help making the ebook happen. That’s why I snagged this 10-week online course. I’m not good at sticking to a ten-week anything, so the clincher for me was the lifetime access to the course resources.

I really don’t like spending money, but I even more don’t like (did I say I could write)…I like even less the pile of ebook ideas sitting forlornly on my desktop. I figured $17 was a small price to pay to unleash my crazy ideas on the world…and with my discount code SIMPLE5, you bring the price down to $12. 

Plus there’s a money-back guarantee, and those always give me a warm and fuzzy. Ah, warm and fuzzy.

What do you receive for $12?

You receive lifetime access to the ten-week course which includes everything you need to come up with an idea, write it, develop it, and market it, including working with affiliates. I’m only on week three, but to me it seems far more effective than letting an ebook or pile of ideas languish on my desktop.

I’m using it for myself, but I’m also using it as a homeschool course for my teens. I can’t wait to see what they write and how well they market it to add to their college funds.

You know, I’d tell you more, but if you’re truly interested, you can check out more info and the table of contents here, and if you’re not interested, you haven’t even read this far…so I’m talking to myself. Hello again, Self. How’s it goin’? Oh, fine. And you?

The discount code is good today only, October 31. If you’re interested, or you know someone who might enjoy this as a Christmas gift, hurry scurry over with discount code SIMPLE5 to get the ebook ball rolling today!

Get started on your ebook right now!

Do you have an ebook idea bouncing around in your head?

Meet The Tummy Team

I have bad posture, not too unlike Shaggy, best buddy of Scooby Doo:

The Simple Homemaker Shaggy Style

Yup, that’s what I look like, complete with the little I-had-seven-babies (or, in Shaggy’s case, I-ate-seven-pizzas) pooch in front.

That was just one of several reasons I jumped on the chance to be one of The Tummy Team reviewers.

What is the Tummy Team?

It is a sequential online training and rehab program that educates members on a variety of core-related aspects, including:

  • the anatomy of the abdominal core and its vicinity,
  • how a strong core affects the rest of the body and its optimal functioning,
  • how to go about normal daily activities without further damaging your core or injuring your back, and
  • how to heal damage (including split abs), strengthen the core, and increase stability.

In other words, it teaches me how to shift from a Shaggy, to, say, a Fred:

The Simple Homemaker Fred Style

My daughter Hannah is also along for the ride, hoping to undo some of the abdominal damage that Crohn’s has caused, and to give herself an overall stronger core to better support her intestinal functioning.

There are two basic programs, a six-week prenatal course and an eight-week core-strengthening plan. We’re on the eight-week plan. Each week we have access to training videos, downloadable guides and helps, and a printable progress chart. Plus everyone receives access to a private Facebook group where The Tummy Team Master, Kelly, answers questions faster than the Mystery Inc. gang solves a Coolsville mystery.

As part of the review process, I have agreed to share my progress with you neat people. I  like to share with you people…but not my cookies. Okay, maybe one.

I’ll also be sharing a little bit about the benefits, what I’m learning as we go, and my all-too-honest opinion about the program as a whole. For now, I’m leaving you with this intriguing tidbit:

After two weeks, my ab muscles feel like I’ve been doing sit-ups and laughing too hard, and I haven’t done a single crunch. In other words, I’m getting the workout without the work.

Happy mama!

Stay tuned for part two and a program giveaway once Hannah and I graduate!

The original Scooby Doo Gang was created by Hanna-Barbera, but Shaggy-Me and Fred-Me were created by my daughter Marissa. Readers, meet Marissa:

Marissa Daphne Style

Isn’t she cute?

(As of 11/14/13, I am an affiliate for The Tummy Team, so this post now contains affiliate links.)

My Simple “Ten Things” Strategy

Sometimes life is overwhelming and everything just seems…complicated, which is the opposite of simple. I’m totally not on board with complicated. Away from me, Complicated!

When my life is feeling complicated and I don’t know where to start, I turn to my little bag of simple tricks. One of my favorites is my ridiculously simple, but highly effective “Ten Things” Strategy. It goes like this. Pay attention now.

Do ten things.

Do ten things! Simple life strategies from The Simple Homemaker.

That’s it! That’s the whole strategy.

You could stop reading right now and go do ten things, or you could procrastinate hang out here and let me break it down for you. Hangin’ around? Okay. Here’s the gist of my simple “Ten Things” Strategy.

If your backside is plastered to the couch, tell your backside, “Listen up, Backside. You can do ten things. You really can!” Backside may whine a little, but eventually it comes around and says, “Hey, you may be right about that. Let’s do it!” (Please tell me you have conversations with your backside, too.) Between the two of you (you and Backside, that is), you can quickly blast through ten things.

Sometimes doing ten things doesn’t make much of a difference, but if you and Backside work smart, those ten things can really add up.

Here are ten ways to be smart about my simple “Ten Things” Strategy.

1) Do ten simple things that make a big difference, like picking up the big blankets on the floor in the family room, or making the bed in your bedroom or putting ten big things in the dishwasher or picking up the ten biggest toys in the playroom.

2) Enlist your children. When I enlist all of my kiddos, that’s 8 people at work. That means 73 things gets done or picked up or folded or washed. (That’s 73 instead of 80 because the one-year-old can only count to three, so she stops there.)

3) Don’t give it too much thought. If you’re a TV watcher, hop up as soon as the commercial hits or the Netflix episode ends and do your ten things. If you walk into your bedroom and it isn’t inviting, quickly do ten things and then continue with your day.

4) Just do it, even if (or especially when) you don’t feel like it. If you’re just feeling blah and you want to ignore the mess in the kitchen and eat hot popcorn with chocolate chips melted in it, throw ten things in the dishwasher first, or clear ten things off the table. Whatever!

5) Let your progress fuel you. Sometimes (like in my alternate reality) there are only twelve things that need to be done. When I get through ten, I find myself motivated to do the last little bit.

6) Listen to your body, but don’t listen to your body if you’re in a funk. In other words, if you’re really hurting, pick up ten dirty socks and call it a day. If you’re just feeling unmotivated and whiny, pick up all the dirty socks and call it one thing–the dirty socks.

7) Apply this to anything–a pile of paperwork, a full email inbox, messy bedrooms, garage sale items needing pricing, unfolded laundry, lonely socks looking for soulmates, bushy eyebrows, unwrapped presents, thank you notes, dusty knick-knacks (no knick-knacks, no dust…just sayin’), fund-raiser phone calls, push-ups needing pushing.

8) I’m not above bribery. When my backside is feeling particularly unmotivated, I say, “Hey ,Backside, we do ten things, we’re eatin’ ten M&Ms.” It’s not pie, but it works.

(If you’re one of my food nazi friends (love ya!) cringing at the thought of my eating ten M&Ms, two things: 1, I don’t eat M&Ms because they make my stomach hurt and cause the air around me to turn a rather unpleasant shade of green (a humiliating, but amusing post for another day), and 2, chill. Still love ya.)

9) For a bigger impact, do ten things in ten areas of your life. Do ten things in the bedroom, bathroom, office, purse, sock drawer, email inbox, junk drawer, garage, van, laundry room, piano bench, spice cupboard, junk drawer, pantry, tool box, play room. That’s pretty intense. Usually I stick to ten simple things.

10) Use the ten things strategy in reverse to keep your playtime in check. “I will only pin ten things, read ten blogs posts, eat ten cookies (What?! They’re little!), chat on the phone for ten minutes, read ten pages.” Mmmm…cookies.

My “Ten Things” Strategy is so ridiculously simple, that it really didn’t need a ten step expose. Still, that was fun, wasn’t it? Yup, fun over. Now it’s time for you and Backside to get down to business. Now, right now, let’s get up and do ten things. (Eating ten cookies doesn’t count.) Ready? Break!

For Monday through Friday “Do Ten Things at Ten” reminders and fun, join me on Facebook or Twitter. Are there cookies? You’ll just have to find that out for yourself.

Did you do it? Did you do ten things? What’d ya do?

An important note: After reading the comments from some of my Simple Homemaker Facebook friends and Twitter tweeps who are doing a daily Ten Things Challenge with me, I’m noticing some confusion. When I say “Do Ten Things!” I do not mean these ten things:

  1. Clean the bathroom until it shines, AND
  2. Cook dinner…for a month, AND
  3. Do all the laundry in the house…or neighborhood, AND
  4. Change the tire on your car, AND
  5. Mow the lawn, AND
  6. Run for President, AND
  7. Get your doctorate, AND
  8. Write lesson plans for your child’s entire educational career, AND
  9. Get married and have children, AND
  10. Get therapy.

I mean something more like this:

  1. Wash ten dishes, OR
  2. Pick up ten toys, OR
  3. Trim ten little toenails, OR
  4. Address ten Christmas cards, OR
  5. Tackle ten things in your paperwork pile, OR
  6. Fold ten things from the clean laundry basket that’s become a permanent household fixture, OR
  7. Put away ten things from the dishwasher, OR
  8. Put away ten things on the kitchen counter, OR
  9. Pick up ten things on the family room floor, OR
  10. Dust ten things on the mantle (which, by the way, you would never have to do if you didn’t have ten things on the mantle, you know. Less is more because less is less dust, less work, less clutter, which means more time, more fun, more living!).

Please don’t feel like I’m telling you to work for an hour or wear yourself out. This is a simple strategy to make a little dent in a big project or to extinguish a hot spot or to tidy up a small mess. It’s simple! Of course, if you can and want to, go ahead and run for President and get your doctorate this morning…but don’t feel you have to. Are we clear? Good! Now go do ten simple things! 

Free Online Chore System – An Interview With My Kids

To skip my cheesy review of My Job Chart, a free online chore system, and to go check it out for yourself, click here. Reposted in honor of all those kiddos in school and homeschool who are adjusting to new schedules. 

Let’s face it. Sometimes I forget things, like making sure my son brushes his teeth in the morning, or brushing out my daughter’s golden locks before bed. I’ve heard parents complain about the battle to get kids to do their chores, and the constant search for the perfect chore chart.

First, chore charts in general are excellent tools to help you on the path to simplifying. The kids (or mom) know what’s expected of them, and the kids (or mom) know when it’s fine to run off and play (or hit Pinterest). It’s nice to know, ya know?

Second, let me tell you this–nothing this side of heaven (including a chore chart) is perfect. Did I burst your bubble? Sorry. A chore chart is a tool, not a solution. But hey, now you can stop hunting for perfect and instead make “almost perfect” work for you as you simplify! Hooray!

Free online chore chart--find out what real kids think. |

I recently tested out an online chore chart with my kids, called My Job Chart. After a parent sets it up, the child tracks his or her own progress, earning points for completed tasks. The points can be donated to a charity, saved up, or spent on a pre-approved reward. The intention is to teach personal accountability and the value of a dollar.

Here’s what I thought:

1 – It’s free. I like free.
2 – It’s relatively simple to set up, and the kids can easily manage it themselves.
3 – It’s highly customizable, so when my son announced that we should have PJ day on Tuesdays and bank holidays, we easily eliminated “Get dressed” from everyone’s Tuesday schedules while leaving it untouched the rest of the week.
4 – It handles one-time events well, so a parent and child can break certain activities–such as packing for a trip, spring cleaning, or working on a science fair project–into manageable chunks and schedule them over a period of time.
5 – It can handle a whole lotta kids on one account, which is great for those of us who have a whole lotta kids in a world that thinks four is a freakishly large number and rarely accommodates that many, let alone my seven. (Yes, I know “lotta” isn’t a real word, thanks.)
6 – The kids enjoy it. It’s fun to check off their work. They run about with renewed zeal to brush their teeth and finish their day’s readings. Die plaque, die!

Brush teeth
7 – While some “time savers” and “simplifying tools” actually complicate life, this doesn’t seem to be one, apart from having to turn on the computer twice daily…which my pen and paper kids disliked, and my screen kids liked. After I set it up, I remained almost completely hands-off. (Simplicity is an important qualifier for The Simple Homemaker reviews.)
8 – Parents can set up customizable reward systems for their kids. The key word here is customizable, so, for example, if I really want to buy my son an X-box for brushing his teeth for a week, I could do that, and I’m sure his future wife and employer would thank me some day. A-hem. If I opt to reward piano practice and completed chores with weekend screen time, I can do that, too.
9 – The system alerts parents to the child’s daily progress, so I don’t have to log on and check. That may not seem like a big deal to you, but any extra logging in for me is time I would rather spend snuggling someone.
10 – My favorite aspect is that each child has a message board from which he or she can send messages to me…and only me. I love getting messages like this one from my four-year-old:

“Mommy, yu ar the bets mommy.”

Do you hear that? I’m the bets mommy.

Brushing Hair

Here’s what my kids think:

Is it any better than using a written chore chart? Let’s ask the experts:

Mama: Kids, what do you think of My Job Chart?
Twelve-year-old: I like it, because it helps me remember what I’m supposed to do.
Nine-year-old: I think it’s fine, but I don’t like having to turn on the computer.
Mama: Do you prefer it over a paper chart?
Four-year-old: I like it better than paper. May I please do it now?
Seven-year-old boy: (Nods vigorously)
Mama: Why do you like it better?
Seven-year-old boy: It’s just funner.
Fourteen-year-old girl: Funner is not a real word.
Sixteen-year-old girl: Technically the word “fun” is coming into vogue as an adjective instead of its original use as a noun and subsequently a verb, meaning “funner” would be acceptable in this situation. It is not, however, commonly used in the over-10 sector of society. (Okay, so she didn’t say that, but that’s what that heaving sigh meant.)

I used the program with five of my children, ages four through fourteen. My fourteen-year-old only used it for one day, saying it seemed like too much work to log on every day just to mark that she did her chores. Of course, that child can manage an entire household without parental guidance, so I believe she has moved past a chore chart from Mama into the planner stage, don’t you think?

Chores are fun

What about the negative side?

One concern I have which may be unique to my family, and which has both a positive and negative slant, is that this is on the screen. Screens are addicting, and I don’t like them. Once they’re on, they are hard to shut off. My son, when engaged with a screen, has trouble re-engaging with the real world. He is still thinking “screen.” I hear that’s a boy thing.

A screen is a child-magnet here. I noticed that when one child is online checking off his or her accomplished chores, two or three other children stand around the chair watching. There is nothing particularly engrossing about a child checking off tasks, but it is on a screen. Of course, the same thing happens in my family when a child is looking at, say, a catalog of bedroom slippers, so that may just be my family. Annnnnd, admittedly, I am an anti-screen nazi currently in (and failing) rehab, so take that with a grain of salt.

The plus side to that is, hey, it’s on a screen! The kids are more excited to do their daily duties so they can get on the computer, check jobs off, and send Mommy a little note. Plus it can be accessed anywhere–library, school, Grandma’s, sitters, home, on the phone…if your kids have a phone.

Clean Teeth

Do I recommend this product?

You know what, I do for families that prefer to stay connected electronically and who want an easy reward system. I think it can really reduce nagging reminding from mom and help kids take an interest in personal responsibility, accountability, and money management–amen to that! I especially think this is an ideal tool to keep parents and kids on the same page if parents work inside or outside the home and if kids are in school and other outside activities. Wouldn’t it be nice to know that, even though you didn’t remind him, Junior’s soccer bag will be packed and ready to go when you get home from work and have to turn around and head to a soccer game? Sure would.

Finally, who doesn’t love the “bets mommy” messages?

I’m the bets mommy.

To learn more about My Job Chart, to watch an informational video, and to get your own “bets mommy” messages, visit

Disclosure: I received free access to My Job Chart in exchange for this post…but since it’s free for everyone, that didn’t affect my opinion. Uh, that’s a really funny bad joke. Since I don’t have to remind my kids to brush their teeth, I have more time for cheesy humor. I should have probably put that under the “negative” section.

Humidifier and Essential Oils Giveaway

Here’s the deal. Currently on our US tour (which so far has lasted 19 months, thanks for asking) we are in the Midwest in the middle of summer. The last thing I want to think about in a midwestern summer is a humidifier! Just open your windows, people! You’ll get your humidifier!

Still, I couldn’t pass up the chance to tell you–especially my dear southwestern friends, who may not even remember what humidity is–about this nifty humidifier and oils giveaway worth $380. That’s three hundred and eighty smackeroos, folks! The little blue humidifier is so stinkin’ cute that I’d love to set it up on the counter next to our teeny little dehumidifier and have them duke it out. It sounds like family night to me!

H&EO GIveaway


The winner of the humidifier will also receive a whole chunk of essential oils to diffuse using the humidifier. Personally, I’d love the thieves to help keep my family healthy as we travel from church to church sharing my husband’s music and the germs from all the sneezing children at the previous churches. You’re welcome, church goers.

Why do you want essential oils? I don’t know. But I know why I want them, and here are a few reasons:

  • Safe and natural cleaning.
  • First aid.
  • Foot massages. (Grin. Big one.)
  • Sore muscles massages for my guitarist-hubby’s back after a long string of concerts.
  • Diffuse them in that cute little humidifier to make the travel trailer smell good, despite the 125-pounds of smelly dog sleeping on our floor every night.
  • Diffuse them in said humidifier to kill germs. (Remember the sneezy kids?)
  • And…maybe this is weird…but I’ve always wanted to put a teeny drop of lavender oil in the toilet paper tube in the bathroom, so every time someone took a swipe for a wipe, it would release a nice essence of lavender…to cover, well, other essences. Come on, you know you want to try it.

Positively Real Media Network (a blog group of more-or-less natural Christian bloggers) is giving one of you lucky pups a Blue Rose Ultrasonic Humidifier and a whole passel of essential oils to use with it. See?

Here’s the nitty-gritty.

Blue Rose Humidifier

Little Blue is different than most humidifiers (and different than opening your windows in the Midwest or deep South). Apparently, most hot water humidifiers launch huge particles of water around the room, much like a small boy with a squirt gun set on “destroy.” The blue rose humidifier uses cool mists to distribute a finer water particle, which is safe to use in all rooms, even in those with electronics and family heirlooms (which, by the way you should really pack away until that small boy has small boys of his own).

Humidifier and Essential Oils Giveaway

Isn’t Little Blue cute?!

What else? I’m thrilled that you asked, mostly because I really wanted to make another bulleted list.

More of Little Blue’s features:

  • Mood light, known as a night light to those of us with children or fear of the dark…or both. Shhh.
  • Low power-usage. Go green…or blue, in this case.
  • Quiet. (I don’t remember what that word means.)
  • Fragrance bottle receptacle for dispersing essential oils. (Huh?! I dunno. Just watch this video to see Little Blue defeating the forces of evil with its mood lighting and force (a.k.a. essential oil dispersal) powers.)

For more scientific information about Little Blue…er, the Blue Rose humidifier visit Kitchen Kneads. And if you don’t win and you just have to bring Little Blue’s mood light and force powers into your home, you can snag your own little defender of the universe while it’s on sale for only $59.99!

Essential Oil Bundle

It’s time to kick it up a notch. Thirteen bloggers–none of which are me–have donated essential oils to beef up this giveaway. Little Blue is pretty excited about this! Here’s what you get if you win, which, coincidentally, is exactly the same as what you don’t get if you lose:

Introduction to Essential Oils Pack (5 ml each of lemon, lavender, and peppermint): Includes the basics for natural cleaning, relaxation, and helping soothe the hard-working hubby’s aches and pains. From Jill of The Prairie Homestead; buy HERE.

Lavender Essential Oil (15ml): Lavender is used for it’s calming and relaxing properties…and making the toidy room smell nice. From Krissa of More Than Mundane; buy HERE.

DiGize Essential Oil (15ml): Di-Gize™ provides valuable aid for digestive concerns and helps support a healthy digestive system. From Clarinda of A Jewel in the Making; buy HERE.

Rare Quality Tea Tree Oil (.2oz): Treats minor cuts, scrapes, bug bites, and burns, gently soothes “ouches,” naturally fights bacteria, naturally penetrates and cleans, and jump-starts the healing process. Little miracle oil, ain’t it? Melaleuca oil from Kristy of Little Natural Cottage; contact her to find out where to buy.

Idaho Blue Spuce Essential Oil (5ml): This oil contains high percentages of alpha-pinene and limonene (What?! I dunno.), with a pleasing evergreen aroma that relaxes both mind and body…you know, Christmas tree smell! From Jennifer of Royal Little Lambs; buy HERE.

Orange Essential Oil (15ml): The rich, fruity scent lifts your mood while calming your body. From Sara of A Mama’s Story; buy HERE.

Tangerine Essential Oil (15ml): Tangerine is a calming essential oil with a sweet, tangy aroma. It helps with occasional nervous irritability…which I totally never have…ever! From Mary of The Encouraging Home; buy HERE.

Thieves Essential Oil (15ml): This oil rocks the world. Period. Exclamation point! It is highly effective in supporting the immune system and good health…and fighting off sneezing children. Back, I say! Back! From Anne of Authentic Simplicity; buy HERE.

Frankincense Essential Oil (5ml): A truly unique essential oil, with a rich, aromatic scent that is calming to your senses, your emotional state and overall sense of well-being. Plus, the wise men gave it to Jesus, so…I love it! From Stacy of A Delightful Home; contact her to find out where to buy.

Clove Essential Oil (15ml): This powerful antioxidant is a favorite among both health care professionals and health conscious individuals for its many useful and healing properties…and it smells like Thanksgiving. Hello! From Sara of Your Thriving Family; buy HERE.

Ylang Ylang Extra Essential Oil (.5oz): Say that five times fast. This intense floral aroma is prized in perfumes and nourishes and encourages the spirit…which I believe is e.o. speak for makes you happy. From Danielle from More Than Four Walls; contact her to find out where to buy.

Peppermint Beadlets: Each tiny beadlet delivers a refreshing burst of peppermint as it quickly dissolves in your mouth, while invigorating your senses as you breathe in the cooling aroma of pure peppermint essential oil. Yeah, I want some. From Audra of Naturally Well; buy HERE.

Purification Essential Oil {5ml}: Purification® can be used directly on the skin to cleanse and soothe cuts, scrapes, and the roghly 12,000 mosquito bites we’ve gotten here in the Midwest this summer. When diffused, it helps to purify and cleanse the air from environmental impurities including cigarette smoke, wet dog, the after-effects of bean night, and other disagreeable odors. From Whitney of Beauty in the Mess; buy HERE.

Enter to Win!

Enter the giveaway via the Rafflecopter below. The mandatory entry is super simple – just hit “Enter!” Earn additional entries for following your favorite blogs via Facebook and email. Increase your chances by liking them all…and don’t forget about li’l ol’ me way down at the bottom there. Grin.

This giveaway is only available in the United States and Canada–sorry to my down under friends and anyone else across the Great Blue!

a Rafflecopter giveaway
Good luck! Since I can’t win, I hope you do! Yup, that was long. You should get a prize for making it this far…but you won’t. Sorry.

An Important Letter From Past Me to Future Me

This is a message from Past Me to Future Me written on 10/17/12 and scheduled for nearly one year from now…today in your time.

An Important Letter From Past Me to Future Me. Read it...and then write your own.

Dear Future Me:

At the time of this writing, you were holding a sleepy baby whose big hazel eyes looked up at you as she nursed. Now you are facing her second birthday in a few short months. Did you use the time well? Did you look into her eyes and her world more than into this screen? Does she know that she’s loved, safe, wanted?

As a mother you were facing new territory: a teen learning to drive, a young lady wanting to start college early from home, a bit of the “Mother, you’re being annoying” that cuts at the heartstrings. And you treaded in some all-too-familiar territory: little girls transitioning into young ladies. Do they know they are valued, treasured, cherished above all else? Do they know God has plans for them and will not let them down? Do they know you think they are awesome?

Your boy. He was struggling with moving from little kid to big boy. He was mastering “pest.” Does he know he’s loved unconditionally? Does he know he’s appreciated and wanted? Does he know he’s a really neat kid? Does he know you really like him…a whole lot?

Your husband. He was finishing up his first year as a full-time music missionary. It was a frightening year. Now you’re in the midst of your second year. Does he know you support him 199%? Does he know you treasure him? Do you respect him? Do you laugh enough together?

And you. You were going to write that book. Did you instead write Facebook posts? You were going to have a great year with your kids homeschooling, traveling, helping them adjust to life on the road full time. Did you do that, or did you lose yourself in selfish pursuits of nothingness? How much time have you wasted borrowing trouble and worrying? How many moments have been lost to regrets and what-ifs? What has controlled you more: fear or faith? Have you worn a smile on your face and faith on your shirt-sleeve, love in your eyes and grace in your words?

Knowing you (me) the way I do, probably not enough.

Every new day is another chance, but every day gone by is a lost opportunity. Savor the moment. Seize the day. Squeeze the chubby cheeks. Laugh with the big girls. Ask to see that little boy’s muscles and ooh and aah over them. Hug them all. Kiss your hubby in front of the kids.

Tell them you love the…show them you love them.

Forgive yourself. Forgive others. And forget it.

And remember that tough spot your family was in last year, leaving your home for good, moving into a travel trailer, battling illness and fear, and building a full-time traveling Christian music mission? God’s grace carried you through, didn’t it? Remember that.

Now get off the computer and make your hubby’s coffee…and how about something a little pumpkin-y for breakfast. They would love that.

Love and a wake-up-call,

Past Me

“Be still….”

Very Simple Rhubarb Pie Recipe

This delicious rhubarb pie recipe is not the healthiest item on the menu, but it sure is one of the tastiest, and hey, it’s a vegetable! It’s simple, it’s pie…what’s not to love?


It’s rhubarb season! If you’ve got this “weedible” (edible weed) growing like crazy in your yard, I’ve got a deeelicious recipe for you.

Simple Rhubarb Pie Recipe from

This rhubarb pie recipe uses white sugar and white flour, two things that rarely make an appearance in my kitchen. But hey, it’s got rhubarb in it, and rhubarb is a vegetable, so…there ya go.

Before we proceed, you are aware, are you not, that the leaves of rhubarb are poisonous. Just use the stalks. Pretend you knew that, if you didn’t.

The original recipe is from All Recipes. Ours is only ever-so-slightly different.

Simple Rhubarb Pie Recipe from

Simple Rhubarb Pie Recipe


  • 4 (hefty) cups fresh rhubarb, cut into 1/4-1 inch pieces
  • 1 1/3 cups sugar (scant)
  • 6 tablespoons flour
  • 2 tablespoons butter
  • 1 double pie crust


  1. Position the bottom crust in the pie pan
  2. Combine sugar and flour in a small bowl. (They get along well, so this is simple.)
  3. Sprinkle a layer of flour/sugar in the bottom crust.
  4. Pile the rhubarb in the crust.
  5. Sprinkle the rest of the flour/sugar over the top.
  6. Cut the butter into little pieces and place them on the rhubarb.
  7. Add the top crust. Crimp.
  8. Bake at 450 for 15 minutes on the bottom rack.
  9. Lower the temperature to 350 and bake another 35-45 minutes, depending on your oven.


Cut your rhubarb the size you prefer. I like mine “mushy” and small, but others prefer rhubarb slightly firmer and a little bigger. Your call!

Serve warm or cold with ice cream or without. Call it a veggie and serve in place of dinner or breakfast.

A regular pie pan is sufficient; do not use a deep-dish.

If the crust starts browning too quickly, wrap aluminum foil around the edges.

Place a cookie sheet directly under the pie pan in the oven to catch any drips. If you forget to do this, be sure to offer the firemen a nice warm slice of fresh rhubarb pie.

If you’re on a diet (ugh) or a “plan,” this probably doesn’t fit perfectly…or at all…so just pin it for after you’ve fallen off the wagon your free days. Hey, I’m on a plan, but I’m a realist, so I’ve got your back. Wink.

Simple Rhubarb Pie Recipe from



A picky husband: My mouth really likes it, but my eyes can’t get past the fact that it looks like celery pie. (Our rhubarb was mostly green, not red.)

A teen: This pie is a success!

A four-year-old: I ate all the ice cream.

The Simple Homemaker: I can’t eat dairy or sugar, but snuck a sliver of this pie anyway, and oh my! Fantabulous!

Here’s the boring printable version:

Simple Rhubarb Pie Recipe

Recipe Type: Dessert
Author: The Simple Homemaker
Prep time:
Cook time:
Total time:
Serves: Me
A simple pie that sweetens the tang of rhubarb for a delicious dessert.
  • 4 (hefty) cups fresh rhubarb, cut into 1/4-1 inch pieces
  • 1 1/3 cups sugar (scant)
  • 6 tablespoons flour
  • 2 tablespoons butter
  • 1 double pie crust
  1. Position the bottom crust in the pie pan
  2. Combine sugar and flour in a small bowl.
  3. Sprinkle a layer of flour/sugar in the bottom crust.
  4. Pile the rhubarb in the crust.
  5. Sprinkle the rest of the flour/sugar over the top.
  6. Cut the butter into little pieces and place them on the rhubarb.
  7. Add the top crust. Crimp.
  8. Bake at 450 for 15 minutes on the bottom rack with a cookie sheet under the pie pan to catch drips.
  9. Lower the temperature to 350 and bake another 35-45 minutes, depending on your oven. Cover the edges with aluminum foil if it gets dark too quickly.
  10. Serve warm or cold.

A great big thank you goes out to Lynn from Jackson, Wisconsin, for supplying us with rhubarb (and a rhubarb coffee cake)!

Let me know if you try this simple rhubarb pie recipe, and feel free to share your favorite rhubarb recipes here!